AGI number:At3g05880
TIGR annotation:hydrophobic protein (RCI2A) / low temperature and salt responsive protein (LTI6A)
Data resource: NASCArrays
Normalisation: MAS4

  0.10 Seed, mature, SM01  = 1117.7299805 0.10 Seed, primary dormant imbibed, SDI1  = 4429.0200195 0.10 Seed, primary dormant, SDP1  = 3335.7299805 0.10 Seed, non-dormant, SND1  = 966.6300049 0.70 Seedling, SL01  = 5255.0498047 0.70 Seedling, SL02  = 4583.5498047 0.70 Seedling, SL10  = 1382.2299805 0.70 Seedling, SL12  = 3162.7700195 0.70 Hypocotyl, HP01  = 3561.9499512 0.70 Hypocotyl, HP02  = 1928.2199707 1.00 Seedling, SL07  = 7140.5600586 1.00 Seedling, SL09  = 6751.9199219 1.00 Seedling, SL11  = 7291.5498047 1.00 Hypocotyl, HP03  = 3820.3100586 1.00 Seedling, whole plant, WP04  = 9538.0996094 1.00 Cotyledons and Hypocotyl together, SH02  = 6517.3999023 1.02 Seedling, SL08  = 8301.3300781 1.02 Roots, RT01  = 6707.6499023 1.02 Lateral roots, RH01  = 4540.0600586 1.03 Seedling, whole plant, WP02  = 8205.1396484 1.05 Rosette, LF11  = 1639.6300049 1.14 Rosette, LF12  = 6297.3198242 1.14 Rosette, LF13  = 4244.8300781 3.20 Whole plant, WP05  = 6628.6401367 3.70 Adult leaf, LF01  = 1990.4699707 3.70 Adult leaf, LF02  = 1547.5300293 3.90 Leaf, petiole, PT01  = 4952.6098633 3.90 Adult leaf, LF03  = 2768.9699707 3.90 Guard cell-enriched leaf extract, GC01  = 3965.5000000 3.90 Rosette, SH01  = 5560.8701172 3.90 Roots, RT04  = 4323.5000000 3.90 Roots, RT05  = 3391.5100098 3.90 Juvenile leaf, LF14  = 1920.0300293 5.10 Flower, buds, FB01  = 3120.1899414 5.10 Flower, young buds, BY01  = 7030.4799805 5.10 Flower, old buds, BO01  = 7830.5097656 5.10 Roots, RT02  = 4678.1801758 5.10 Pollen grain, microspore, MS01  = 286.1199951 5.10 Pollen grain, 2-cellular, BC01  = 264.1099854 5.10 Pollen grain, 3-cellular, TC01  = 327.7300110 5.10 Pollen grain, mature, MP01  = 340.6400146 6.00 Leaf, LF08  = 4293.7202148 6.00 Leaf, LF16  = 5753.9399414 6.00 Inflorescence, IN01  = 2863.8300781 6.10 Leaf, LF10  = 8253.1103516 6.10 Stem base, ST01  = 7202.7500000 6.10 Stem top, ST02  = 6795.1298828 6.10 Flower, open, FL01  = 2510.0800781 6.30 Silique, young, FS01  = 2234.7500000 6.90 Silique, mature green, SQ01  = 4513.3500977 6.90 Seed, fresh, SF01  = 4610.5200195 8.00 Silique, senescing pod tissue, SP01  = 1796.0300293 Suspension cell culture, SU01  = 4548.0898438 Suspension cell culture, SU02  = 4994.4702148 Xylem, XL01  = 1227.7700195 Cork, CR01  = 1139.3800049 Globular embryo, apical cells, EGA1  = 0.0000000 Globular embryo, basal cells, EGB1  = 0.0000000 Heart embryo, cotyledons, EHC1  = 0.0000000 Heart embryo, roots, EHR1  = 0.0000000 Torpedo embryo, apical cells, ETA1  = 852.8099976 Torpedo embryo, basal cells, ETB1  = 0.0000000 Torpedo embryo, cotyledons, ETC1  = 0.0000000 Torpedo embryo, meristem, ETM1  = 3076.7299805 Torpedo embryo, roots, ETR1  = 0.0000000  

Normalisation: MAS4
change to: MAS5
Data resource: NASCArrays
     change to: AtGenExpress