AGI number: At3g05880
TIGR annotation:hydrophobic protein (RCI2A) / low temperature and salt responsive protein (LTI6A)
Data resource: NASCArrays
Normalisation: MAS5

  Present call   Marginal call   Absent call   None call (Affymetrix)
Experiment Relative expression value St. dev.
 0.10 Seed, mature (SM01)  815.9   270.82
 0.10 Seed, primary dormant imbibed (SDI1)  4426.5   180.78
 0.10 Seed, primary dormant (SDP1)  3161.3   162.32
 0.10 Seed, non-dormant (SND1)  935.4   32.12
 0.70 Seedling (SL01)  5600.1   312.23
 0.70 Seedling (SL02)  4351.4   214.96
 0.70 Seedling (SL10)  1397.6   78.85
 0.70 Seedling (SL12)  3083.4   722.12
 0.70 Hypocotyl (HP01)  2865.4   636.75
 0.70 Hypocotyl (HP02)  1937.1   26.66
 1.00 Seedling (SL07)  7073.2   95.25
 1.00 Seedling (SL09)  6369.9   437.74
 1.00 Seedling (SL11)  5279.3   2531.93
 1.00 Hypocotyl (HP03)  4199.6   536.37
 1.00 Seedling, whole plant (WP04)  9576.2   753.59
 1.00 Cotyledons and Hypocotyl together (SH02)  6636   115.44
 1.02 Seedling (SL08)  8111.8   268.03
 1.02 Roots (RT01)  6290.6   589.78
 1.02 Lateral roots (RH01)  4217   678.02
 1.03 Seedling, whole plant (WP02)  6938.2   1162.52
 1.05 Rosette (LF11)  1690.9   153.18
 1.14 Rosette (LF12)  6965   641.03
 1.14 Rosette (LF13)  3935.8   437.08
 3.20 Whole plant (WP05)  6875.1   321.38
 3.70 Adult leaf (LF01)  1977.1   14.29
 3.70 Adult leaf (LF02)  1403.3   161.95
 3.90 Leaf, petiole (PT01)  5184.2   202.42
 3.90 Adult leaf (LF03)  3286.4   449.87
 3.90 Guard cell-enriched leaf extract (GC01)  3906.6   51
 3.90 Rosette (SH01)  4689.5   993.63
 3.90 Roots (RT04)  3269.8   929.5
 3.90 Roots (RT05)  3378.5   287.83
 3.90 Juvenile leaf (LF14)  1669.7   184.77
 5.10 Flower, buds (FB01)  3803.5   966.32
 5.10 Flower, young buds (BY01)  6391.8   592.63
 5.10 Flower, old buds (BO01)  7580   347.02
 5.10 Roots (RT02)  5991.3   1857
 5.10 Pollen grain, microspore (MS01)  243.8   59.85
 5.10 Pollen grain, 2-cellular (BC01)  238.7   35.92
 5.10 Pollen grain, 3-cellular (TC01)  285.9   59.2
 5.10 Pollen grain, mature (MP01)  325.3   21.75
 6.00 Leaf (LF08)  7056.5   2819.04
 6.00 Leaf (LF16)  5686.3   106.77
 6.00 Inflorescence (IN01)  2313.1   778.91
 6.10 Leaf (LF10)  8258.9   219.47
 6.10 Stem base (ST01)  6940.2   371.28
 6.10 Stem top (ST02)  6826.3   44.05
 6.10 Flower, open (FL01)  2708.7   280.89
 6.30 Silique, young (FS01)  2807.2   809.59
 6.90 Silique, mature green (SQ01)  3178.5   1233.32
 6.90 Seed, fresh (SF01)  4867.5   277.5
 8.00 Silique, senescing pod tissue (SP01)  1724.5   220.26
 Suspension cell culture (SU01)  4809.8   260.02
 Suspension cell culture (SU02)  6005.8   1430.22
 Xylem (XL01)  1565.3   369.56
 Cork (CR01)  970.7   153.45
 Globular embryo, apical cells (EGA1)  182.3   23.47
 Globular embryo, basal cells (EGB1)  235.2   29.51
 Heart embryo, cotyledons (EHC1)  1395.6   661.58
 Heart embryo, roots (EHR1)  126.7   68.06
 Torpedo embryo, apical cells (ETA1)  965.2   601.05
 Torpedo embryo, basal cells (ETB1)  352.1   766.83
 Torpedo embryo, cotyledons (ETC1)  210.9   104.4
 Torpedo embryo, meristem (ETM1)  1822.3   2318.3
 Torpedo embryo, roots (ETR1)  322.1   92.68
Normalisation: MAS4
change to: MAS5
Data resource: NASCArrays
     change to: AtGenExpress